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Co-Owner of 2B Beauty Collaborative, Taylor Barry, has been practicing esthetics since 2008. She brings her reputation and vast experience as an esthetician to St. Charles and is dedicated to bringing consistent and personalized services to each client to help them feel their most beautiful self.
Briellen Bosch, co-owner of 2B Beauty Co., has been a licensed esthetician since 2017. In those years she’s developed a vast ability, through extensive training with brands such as DMK, Vivant, PCA, and IS Clinical, to treat all skin conditions including: acne, aging, and pigmentation. She’s also mastered the art of lash lift, brow lamination, tinting, and shaping of the eyebrow in that time. Briellen loves to keep up with what's hot and trending in the beauty industry by regularly staying up to date with recently developed education for all things brows, lashes, and skin. She strives to help her clients look and feel their best by enhancing their natural beauty. She has your best interest in mind and deeply values maintaining a healthy integrity for your brows, lashes, and skin. You can find Briellen at both 2B St. Charles and 2B Scottsdale.